Sunday, January 25, 2009

Letter to the Christ Child

This year instead of writing a letter to Santa, I suggested that L. write a letter the the Christ Child. I told him that after he wrote the letter we would put it on the windowsill and the angels would take it up to heaven and give it to Jesus. His letter was so sweet, I thought I would share it. Here is what my 5 year-old told me to write:

Dear Christ Child,
I want to buy a GeoTrax with an airplane and a remote control. I love everybody. I will give everyone who is in the hospital a band-aid. They can come to my house and eat my food and my dessert too. I want to give God a present. I will give him a GeoTrax and help each other.
I love God and Jesus and baby Jesus and Mary and Joseph. I love Daddy and you, N., and K., myself, and St. George, and God, and St. Nicholas, and St. Martin de Porres.
I am thankful for my house. I love Baby Jesus.


Monday, January 12, 2009

March for Life

This is a video that I made to show at a pancake breakfast our church was having. I was trying to encourage more people to attend the March in Washington, D.C.. My husband coordinated the bus that went from our parish. Hopefully Obama will choose to support life and not follow through on his promises to repeal any anti-abortion law currently in place. Please pray for an end to abortion.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

So Hard to Say Goodbye

A few weeks ago we had to say goodbye to our very dear friends. L. mentions them serveral times a week and is obviously missing them. I know the feeling! While I am sad they had to move, I know that this is God's plan for them. I know they will touch countless people in their new place, just as they did here!

A proud Mommy!

Our homeschool group was collecting canned goods to donate to the local food bank and I told L. about it. I asked L. if he wanted to use his own money to buy some food for people who are less fortunate than us. He quickly agreed. He had been saving his money for a long time to buy a special toy and he had $16 of his own money saved up. We had just recently bought tons of canned food at Walmart, so I took him to the pantry and told him each can cost 5o cents. He ended up selecting $6 worth of canned goods with his money. The part that made me so proud was at the end of our "shopping trip," I reiterated to him that he could keep all the money for himself to get the toy he wanted, or buy the food. I was very careful not to put any pressure on him or make him feel guilty etc.. At first he said he wanted to keep his money, and I told him that was no problem. Then he sat there for a minute and said "but if I keep the money, then some people won't have any food to eat, and I don't want that. I want to buy the food." Don't you just love moments like that when your kids make you so proud?!

Little Angels

The kids were in our 2nd annual nativity play this year with our homeschool group. L. and K. were both angels. They were very cute! I will have to print this picture and post it on my refrigerator as a reminder to myself (and them!) how angelic they can look when they want to! N. was supposed to be a Roman soldier, but I fired him from the play! He was laughing so hard during rehearsals while he was on stage, yet off stage he just kept crying because he hates wearing costumes. I told him he was fired, and he just laughed at me. Thankfully I don't think he will ever be in a therapist's office in 30 years lamenting his very short acting career! He made a great audience member as you can see!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

L. turns 5!

We certainly had a very busy Thanksgiving weekend full of family and fun! On Thursday evening my sister-in-law, her husband, and their new little baby arrived at our house. It was so nice to see them, and finally meet my little nephew-what a cutie!! Unfortunately I had come down with some kind of bug the day before, so Friday I was a bit under the weather.

Saturday was quite a busy day! We had L.'s 5th birthday party, and V.'s brother and family came in from NY. It was wonderful that the cousins got to play together. Just because having 2 families in from out of town wasn't crazy enough, we decided to add 15 other children and their families to the mix! It was only 3 other families, but most of our friends have at least 4 children! It actually made planning the party very easy because the kids were thrilled just to run around with each other and play in the basement. We also did a pinata which was a lot of fun. Since this was a November party we had planned to do the pinata inside using the pull strings. I was so worried before the party that the first kid would find the correct streamer and open the trap door. Then none of the other children would get a turn. Well, my worries for nothing when not only did none of the streamers open the pinata, whacking at it with a bat for 20 minutes didn't break it either! We finally had to rip it open and shake it over the kids heads. They loved it!

To top off our wonderfully busy weekend my other sister-in-law and her husband arrived at our house at 1:00 a.m. on Saturday night. Everyone was on their way home by noon the next day, so it really was a whirlwind visit! We were so grateful that everyone took the time to come see us over the holiday weekend.