We went on a hayride at a local park with our homeschooling group. It was a beautiful night and the weather was quite warm for November. Luckily the rain held off as it was pouring earlier in the day! All the kids loved the hayride. What is it about a tractor that fascinates little boys so much?! N. would crack up anytime the wagon jerked a little or went over a bump. He has such a great grin!
Afterwards we sat around a campfire for a couple
The older kids in the group were great about watching over the little ones. They played games like Duck, Duck, Goose (L. insisted!), Red Rover, Red Rover; and flashlight tag. I love watching these teenage boys and girls think nothing about scooping up a toddler or holding a little one's hand as they help them run in the dark.
You hear lots of negative things about teens these days, but it is so refreshing to see that disrespect and laziness are not "just how kids are today." The kids in our group are always so polite, so quick to lend a hand, and truly seem to enjoy being with their families. A definite advantage to homeschooling in my opinion!! (Not that children who aren't homeschooled can't be polite and respectful, I just think it's harder for them because they experience more negative peer pressure.)
I agree with you about the teens. Don't give into negative stereotypes.
I love the smile on N., and it looks like another wonderful memory for the group!
That was a great day. Thank you so much!
Great pictures.. I sure hope the one of me didn't scare you too much! :)
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