Saturday, October 25, 2008

Striving for a Simpler Life

There's something about clothes hanging out on a line to dry that I just love! I know I am strange, but maybe others feel this way too. Doesn't it feel like life just gets too crazy sometimes? We are always rushing from one activity to another, and we don't find the time to enjoy the moment. I read a quote somewhere that said having a simpler life does not mean things are simpler for you. Yes, it takes more work to hang clothes on a line then to toss them in the dryer, but it forces me to slow down a little. Please understand me, I don't always hang my clothes, but I do try to do it if I can. It is more work, especially when my little darlings pull all the clothes off the line onto the ground! (That happened a couple of weeks ago! I was not too happy!) That being said, I'm off to fold lots of laundry, as I was lazy last night and got behind!


Heart10Love05 said...

A.M., I like to hang up my wet clothes because they leave a fresh scent, and to reduce a shrinkage from the dryer machine. Also, it saves extra bucks with electric and also to save more as my clothes last longer to get smaller! :) Don't worry. I don't think you are crazy!! :)

Allison said...

Ahhh, the simplicity of not having allergies....

I think it looks pretty.